Automating semi-structured bin picking | 3D vision and AI

Automating semi-structured bin picking | 3D vision and AI

Published on
November 17, 2023

GuideNOW is inbolt's real-time robot guidance solution based on 3D vision and powered by AI. GuideNOW makes it possible to empty bins where the parts disposed side by side and layered but not overlapping/cluttered.

We call this semi-structured bin picking vs. unstructured bin-picking, where the parts are randomly put in a box.

In semi-structured bin picking, while there may be some level of organization or arrangement in the bins, the system is designed to handle a certain degree of variability and adapt to less predictable environments.

Traditional 3D vision-based robot-guidance systems have been designed for unstructured bin picking, resulting in efficient but very complex and slow systems.

At inbolt, we believe that semi-structured bin picking is not that complex and should not require complex solutions, which makes GuideNOW is the perfect system, able to handle both semi and unstructured picking.

Reach out to us to discuss your automation needs.

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